Company Profile
Business Strategy
- Specialization in commercial facilities construction, mainly retail, office and banks.
- Working in Partnership with companies specialized in capital development, building on-site and off-site utilities as well as companies with a vast experience in project design.
- The Single Window approach providing a single point of contact in charge of the whole project, starting from technical expertise to commissioning and warranty maintenance.
- Openness and Transparency with respect to budget planning and execution and to each stage of project implementation.
- Project Risk Management implying assessment of potential risks and measures to eliminate thereof. By risks we mean any unpredictable situation that may arise during the work process.
- Work progress Control
- Progress reports
- Project team’s weekly meetings
- Experience accumulation through maintaining projects’ database, which allows us to take the best out of our previous projects and avoid possible mistakes in our current undertakings.
- Quality expertise performed by the Company’s experts with participation of Client’s specialists. External experts are invited if required.