Error message

Strict warning: Creating default object from empty value in ctools_access_get_loggedin_context() (line 1864 of /home/rcg/

Company Profile

09 October 2009

Due to the expansion of the Company’s business and team and considering the growing number of projects in Ukraine, RCG Company opens its new office in this country. The Ukrainian office will take over the Dreamtown Trade Center (Kyev), Pristan TC (Kyev), MOST TC (Dnepropetrovsk), and Karavan TC (Kyev) projects that were so successfully started.

The services to be rendered by the Ukrainian office are in line with the scope of services provided by the head office in Moscow. Some of them are licensed services, and the scanned copies of licenses will soon be available on our web site.

We would like to congratulate our team members and partners on our Company’s new office!

The RCG Team