Error message

Strict warning: Creating default object from empty value in ctools_access_get_loggedin_context() (line 1864 of /home/rcg/

Yegor Chermisin

Yegor Chermisin

Project manager

In 2008, he graduated from the Moscow State Construction University, Department of Industrial and Civil Construction (CBC). Has additional to higher education in "Translator (English)." Has extensive experience in the design and in the construction and installation.

career in retail began in 2006 as an architect. Made great strides in the field of design boutiques in shopping malls. Since 2009 he has worked as a project manager. Sold more than 20 facilities in Russia and Ukraine.

In his free time playing sports, hiking, hunting and fishing.

Creed Yegor
In any case show the adequacy, accuracy and punctuality.